WHO Collaborating Centre for Ecology, Taxonomy and Control of Vectors of Malaria, Filariasis and Dengue

. Last Updated: 15 December 2011Hits: 35346

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The WHO Collaborating Center for Ecology, Taxonomy and Control of Vectors of Malaria, Filariasis and Dengue was first established at IMR in 1985. In year 2007, the center name was proposed as WHO Collaborating Center for Ecology, Taxonomy and Control of Vectors of Malaria, Filariasis, Dengue and Chikungunya. Chikungunya was added due to high incident of the disease in recent years in many part of the world.




  1. To conduct research in the field of all aspects of the ecology of all stages of the vectors of malaria, lymphatic filariasis, dengue and chikungunya;
  2. To undertake the investigations on the proper identification and taxonomy of and the elucidation of the status of closely related group species of vectors and non-vectors of the three diseases above;
  3. To search for newer methods and strategies for vector conĀ­trol and to undertake investigation in the laboratory and field on their practical feasibility
  4. To undertake the planning and organisation of individual and group training in the above for national and regional needs.