
. Last Updated: 28 November 2013Hits: 42877

The Institute for Medical Research (IMR) was established by the British in 1900 as the Pathological Institute in Kuala Lumpur, with the aim to promote the health status of the local population and "to explore the great and unknown field of tropical medicine".

The IMR has since expanded her role and made significant contributions to biomedical research and other medical disciplines. The research efforts of the IMR have contributed significantly to the knowledge, understanding, treatment and control of some major tropical diseases in the country and region including beri-beri, malaria, cholera, typhoid, smallpox, leprosy, tuberculosis, filariasis, dengue, scrub typhus and nutrient deficiencies.

Today, the main functions of the IMR are research, specialised diagnostic services, training and technical consultancies. The functions and responsibilities of the IMR are discharged through her nine centres.

orgchartIMR Organisation Chart

As of January 2012, the Institute has 635 staff, 12 of whom are in the Senior Management group and 207 persons in the Management and Professional Group, comprising scientists, doctors, dentists, a pharmacist, veterinarians, system analysts, statisticians, librarians and administrative officers. The rest of the staff belong to the Technical and Support group.

The thrusts of the Institute's activities are:

  • carrying out research and development in health priority areas which include, among others, malaria, dengue, chikungunya, tuberculosis, cancer, stem cell, natural drugs discovery, obesity, environmental health;
  • enhancing research capacity and capability including infrastructure and facilities, for improving innovation, competitiveness and ensuring a knowledgeable, skilled and competent workforce;
  • intensifying cooperation and networking;
  • strengthening knowledge management, commercialization and technology transfer;
  • establishing centre of excellence and national reference laboratories for biochemical, immunological, viral, microbiological and molecular diagnostics; and
  • enhancing image and organizational excellence

International Affiliations

The contributions of the IMR in biomedical research, technical training and advisory consultation at the national, regional and international levels have led to the recognition and appointment of the Institute as the:

  • World Health Organization (WHO)
    • WHO Collaborating Centre for Ecology, Taxonomy and Control of Vectors of Malaria, Filariasis and Dengue (since 1985)
    • WHO Regional Centre for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases and Nutrition (since 1978)
    • WHO National Influenzae Centre
    • WHO Poliomyelitis Reference Laboratory
    • Western Pacific Region Index Medicus (WHO)
  • SEAMEO-TROPMED Regional Centre for Microbiology, Parasitology and Entomology (since 1967) with the conduct of two internationally recognized diploma courses;
  • Secretariat of the Inter-Islamic Network for Tropical Medicine (INTROM);
  • International Life Science Institute (ILSI) (Southeast Asian Branch) (since 1996)

Medical Testing and Management Certifications

As a premier biomedical research institution and entrusted with the development and provision of more specialised diagnostic tests for the Ministry of Health, the IMR has succeeded in obtaining certifications for her quality system and laboratories. These include:

  • MS ISO 9001:2008 for health research management since 2001
  • ISO 14001:2004 for environmental quality management since 2002
  • ISO 15189:2003 accreditation for 10 laboratories in 2006
  • National Reference Laboratory for AIDS (NARL)
  • National Referral Center for SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
  • Proficiency Testing Provider for some External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS)

Research Partnerships and Networking


World Health Organization (WHO)

  • Australia - New South Wales University
  • Germany - Biomonde
  • Hong Kong - Hong Kong University
  • India - L V Prasad Eye Institute, Centre for Research in Medical Entomology, Madurai
  • Iran - Shaheed Beheshti Medical Sciences University
  • Japan - Nagasaki University, Osaka University, Tsukuba University
  • Pakistan - Husein Ebrahim Jamal (HEJ) Research Institute of Chemistry
  • Sweden - Karolinska Institutet
  • United Kingdom - Oxford University, Cambridge University, Sheffield University, Newcastle University
  • United States of America - CDC Atlanta, NIH, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USEPA


  • Universities and Research Institutions (Public and Private)
  • Industry-linked Organizations (Public and Private)