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Regional Centre for Microbiology, Parasitology and Entomology

. Last Updated: 04 October 2018Hits: 69782

seameotropmedThe mission of the Centre is to promote cooperation among SEAMEO member and associate member countries through various activities such as post graduate training, research and development and information dissemination in the field of tropical medicine and public health.

In 1993, the Centre was re-designated the SEAMEO TROPMED Regional Centre for Microbiology, Parasitology and Entomology in line with SEAMEO-TROPMED's strategic planning process to allow the Centre to respond more effectively to the needs of the region and the Organizaion.





The SEAMEC Regional Project for Tropical Medicine & Public Health

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In 1965 the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Secretariat (SEAMES) was created as the result of a meeting among the Ministers of Education of Laos, Malaysia , Philippines , Singapore , South Vietnam and Thailand with Mr Eugene R. Black, Special Adviser to the President of the United States on the Asian development programme. Indonesia joined SEAMES a year later.

At the initial meeting, there was a general consensus of opinion that steps should be taken towards establishing some form of regional cooperation in education.

Since the nations of Southeast Asia are hampered in many ways in their social and economic development by indigenous tropical diseases, it was suggested that developing a Regional Centre for the purpose of teaching, training and research in tropical medicine in this area should be considered as an urgent need.

Therefore, a SEAMES Task Force for Tropical Medicine was set up in September 1966. The Task Force consisted of representatives from member countries (Malaysia, Philippines, South Vietnam and Thailand), and three consultants from the United Kingdom (Professor B.G. Maegraith) and U.S.A. (Professor J.S. Wellington and Col. W. D. Tigerrt). It was recommended that a Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Medicine should be established on a cooperative basis, with a Central Coordinating Board and four National Tropical Medicine Centres, one in each of the participating countries. Indonesia , Laos and Singapore joined later, thus increasing the number of member countries to seven. Since Thailand had already developed a teaching and research institute of tropical medicine, the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, University of Medical Sciences , Bangkok , therefore, it was considered as the most appropriate place for the central office of the Coordinating Board.

malay2 2000The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Council (SEAMEC) endorsed the recommendation of the Task Force and the Central Office of the Coordinating Board for Tropical Medicine was set up in Bangkok . Professor Chamlong Harinasuta, Dean of the Bangkok Faculty of Tropical Medicine, was officially elected Secretary-General of the Central Coordinating Board.

At the Fourth Conference of SEAMES in Djakarta during 7-10 th January 1969, the Council approved the changing of the name "Tropical Medicine Project' to "SEAMEC Regional Tropical Medicine and Public Health Project" with its organisational form consisting of a Central Coordinating Board and the seven National Tropical Medicine and Public Health Centres of Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Vietnam and Thailand.

Therefore, the activities of the Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Bangkok, Institute of Hygiene, Manila, and Faculty of Medicine, Djakarta, are now conducted at national and international levels, including teaching, training, research and holding of scientific meetings in the field of tropical medicine, in order to obtain as much useful information as possible leading to the successful control and eradication of endemic diseases and eventually restoring the health of people of the region.


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In line with the overall mission of SEAMEO, the role of the SEAMEO TROPMED is to promote health and to prevent or control disease, thus improving the living conditions of people in South and Southeast Asia through relevant programmes and services. As a Network of four Regional Centres hosted by established academic and/or research institutions in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand, SEAMEO TROPMED serves to facilitate the strengthening of national and institutional capabilities in research and human resource development through various training and postgraduate degree programmes, linkages, personnel exchanges, scientific for a, technical consultant services, publication, and information dissemination. SEAMEO TROPMED subscribes to the belief that a healthy and enlightened citizenry is the basis of stable nationhood and, in turn, a wholesome global community.

The Institute also serves as:

  • WHO Regional Centre for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases and Nutrition (since 1978)
  • WHO Collaborative Centre for Taxonomy and Immunology of Filariasis and Clinical Trials of Drugs Against Brugian Filariasis (since 1981)
  • WHO Collaborative Centre for Ecology, Taxonomy and Control of Vectors of Malaria, Filariasis and Dengue (since 1981)
  • WHO Collaborative Surveillance Programme on Antibiotic Resistance in the Western Pacific Region: Focal point
  • WHO National Influenza Centre
  • Secretariat for the Inter-Islamic Network on Tropical Medicine
  • Coordinator, Medical Biotechnology Cooperative Centre


  1. To train specialists in tropical medicine and public health through short-term courses and/or graduate degree programmes, with due regard to diversities in culture, needs and expectation of people for whom these services are intended.
  2. To support research on endemic diseases and newly emerging disease associated with changing environments.
  3. To promote the utilization of research results in the formulation of effective disease control strategies.
  4. To strengthen research, training and management capabilities of existing facilities through staff development, institutional partnerships, personnel interchange, technical assistance, and mutual consultation.
  5. To organize seminars, conference, workshops, and technical meetings on current topics for a better understanding of diseases of clinical and public health importance.
  6. To facilitate information retrieval, exchanges and dissemination among institutions and end-users.
  7. To encourage collaboration and resources-sharing among medical and health-related institutions through the initiative and leadership of duly designated TROPMED Regional Centres.
  8. To accelerate health improvement and the development of the underserved sectors of society without prejudice to others needing quality health care.
  9. To maintain readiness and the capacity to extend its programmes and services wherever and whenever needed.


SEAMEO-TROPMED Regional Centre for Microbiology, Parasitology and Entomology

The two main regular training programmes conducted by the Centre each year are the Diploma in Applied Parasitology and Entomology (DAP&E) and Diploma in Medical Microbiology (DMM) postgraduate courses. The Centre continued to participate actively in various activities organised by SEAMEO TROPMED as well as the SEAMEO Secretariat and these include various meetings, conferences and courses both within and outside the country.

Post-graduated courses

Diploma in Applied Parasitology & Entomology (DAP&E) Course

The  SEAMEO TROPMED Diploma Course, Diploma Applied Parasitology and Entomology (DAP&E) was conducted for 5 months from 1st August to  30th December 2011. It was the 42nd  conducted since 1970.


The DAP&E Course is Malaysia’s contribution to the regional co-operation in the training of health professionals needed for research, patient care, teaching and control programmes in SEAMEO member countries. The course contributes to the inter-regional effort in human resource development.

The 2011 course  had  sixteen participation  from 7 countries, one each from Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao PDR  and Vietnam, four from Solomon Island, two from Vanuatu  and  six from Malaysia.

TopStuTop Student
Dr. Aye Thinda Win from Myanmar

This participation is made possible through the continuing support of the SEAMEO-TROPMED programme sponsoring 7 candidates one each from Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao PDR  and Vietnam and 3 from Malaysia. The GLOBAL FUND sponsored 4  candidates from Solomon Island and  AUSTRALIAN AID sponsored 2 from Vanuatu and IMR sponsored three participants.

The final examination  was conducted from the 22 to 29 December 2011. The examination,  were assisted by two external examiners, Dr Dorn Watthanakulpanich, Department of Helminthology, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand and Associate Professor Dr Zairi Jaal, Vector Control Research Centre, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang. Their expert contribution and opinion were invaluable.

The examination concluded with fifteen students passing the examination and was awarded the Diploma in Applied Parasitology and Entomology. Two of the fifteen students passed with Distinction (Dr. Aye Thinda Win and Ms Nurhainis Ogu Salim). One student was unsuccessful and was awarded a “Certificate of Attendance”..

The Top Student was Dr. Aye Thinda Win and she received a prize from the Director of SEAMEO TROPMED Network, Malaysia.

The Best Thesis was awarded to Mr. Trevor Desmond Punufimana from Vanuatu. The title of the thesis was “Overlapping of Different Flies From Different Animal Facilities. He received the Deans Best Thesis Award.


Diploma in Medical Microbiology (DMM) Course

slide33 bThe 24 th DMM Course was held from 5 th November 2001 to 26 th April 2002 . Of the 12 candidates, 6 were sponsored by the SEAMEO-TROPMED organisation. They included one each from Cambodia and the Philippines and two each from Lao PDR and Malaysia . The Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) sponsored three candidates, one each from Myanmar , Sierra Leone and South Africa while another three, one from Lao PDR and 2 from Vietnam were supported by the European Commission.

Nine candidates passed the final examination and 3 candidates were awarded distinctions. Three other candidates were awarded the Certificate of Attendance. Ms Wan Razlin Wan Zaabar from Malaysia was the best student for the 24 th DMM course.

The external examiner for the final exam was Prof. Dr. Manas Chong Sa-Nguan from Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University , Bangkok , Thailand . Diplomas were presented by Datuk Dr. Mohamad Taha bin Arif, the Director General of Health at the graduation ceremony held on Friday 26 th April 2002.

Applicants must have a sufficiently good command of English to follow the courses held at the postgraduate level. They must possess at least a basic degree in the biological sciences or health field.

The SEAMEO-CIDA assisted linkage project with the University of Ottawa in Canada helped strengthen research and training capabilities in biostatistics, epidemiology and behavioral science.

In-country training courses, regional workshops/seminars, and international conferences dealing with specific topics are organized as per need for a wide range of clientele.


The Director
SEAMEO TROPMED Regional Centre for Microbiology, Parasitology and Entomology
Institute for Medical Research
Ministry of Health Malaysia
Jalan Pahang, 50588 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website : www.imr.gov.my
Facebook : SEAMEO TROPMED Network Malaysia
URL : https://www.facebook.com/Seameo-Tropmed-Network-Malaysia-1379364338795838/


SEAMEO  TROPMED Network Centres:




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