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Publication List


Ahamad Mariana, Ibrahim Halimaton, Bujang Mohd Kulaimi, Mohd Sah Shahrul-Anuar, Mohamad Norzalipah, Mohd Nor Shukor, Ahmad Abdul Hamid and Ho Tze Ming (2013). A survey of acarine ectoparasites of bats (Chiroptera) in Malaysia. Journal of Medical Entomology 50(1): 140-146


Ahmad Faudzi Yusoff, Amal Nasir Mustafa, Hani Mat Husaain, Wan Mansor Hamzah, Apandi Mohd Yusof, Rozilawati Harun and Faezah Noor Abdullah (2013).The assessment of risk factor the Central/East African Genotype of chikungunya virus infections in the state of Kelantan: a case control study in Malaysia. BMC Infectious Diseases 13: 211


Ahmad Rohani, Ismail Zamree, Wan Najdah Wan Mohamad Ali, Azahari Abdul Hadi, Matusop Asmad, David Lubim, Zurainee Mohamed Nor and Lee Han Lim (2013). Nocturnal man biting habits of mosquito species in Serian, Sarawak, Malaysia. Advances in Entomology 1(2): 42-49


AK Siti Nadiah, TH Mohd Zahari, AT Nur Syimah, AK Faraizah, MA Faisal, M Normi, E Anza, A Nor Aini, M Shahnaz and M Nor Asiah (2013). Effects of plateletpheresis on blood coagulation parameters in healthy donors at National Blood Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tranfusion and Apheresis Science 49(3): 507-510


Anasufiza Habib, Zabedah Md Yunus, Nor Azimah Azize, Gaik-Siew Ch'ng, Winnie Pei Tee Ong, Bee-Chin Chen, Ho-Torng Hsu, Ke-Juin Wong, James Pitt and Lock-Hock Ngu (2013). Hyperexcretion of homocitrulline in a Malaysian patient with lysinuric protein intolerance. European Journal of Pediatric 172(9): 1277-1281


Azima Laili Hanifah, Mariana Ahmad, Vishalani Vishu Narainasamy and Ho Tze Ming (2013). Detection of Orientia tsutsugamushi in chiggers and tissues of small mammals using polymerase chain reactions. The Experiment 11(2): 683-689


Azli Baharudin, Ahmad Ali Zainuddin, Rusidah Selamat, Suhaila Abdul Ghaffar, Khor Geok Lin, Poh Bee Koon, Norimah Abd Karim, Kee Chee Cheong, Ng Chee Kai, Noor Aini Ahmad, Syafinaz Mohd Sallehuddin and Tahir Aris (2013). Malnutrition among Malaysian Adolescents: Findings from National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2011. International Journal of Public Health Research 3(2): 282-289


Boon Shing Tan, Owen Kang, Chun Wai Mai, Kai Hung Tiong, Alan Soo-Beng Khoo, Mallikarjuna Rao Pichika, Tracey D. Bradshaw and Chee-Onn Leong (2013). 6-Shogaol inhibits breast and colon cancer cell proliferation through activation of peroxisomal proliferator activated receptor γ (PPARγ). Cancer Letters 336: 127-139


Boon-Teong Teoh, Sing-Sam Sam, Kim-Kee Tan, Jefree Johari, Meng-Hooi Shu, Mohammed Bashar Danlami, Juraina Abd-Jamil, NorAziyah MatRahim, Nor Muhammad Mahadi and Sazaly AbuBakar (2013). Dengue vuris type 1 clade replacement in recurring homotypic outbreaks. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13:213


Bushra Afroze, Zabedah Yunus, Beat Steinmann and Rene Santer (2013). Transient pseudo-hypertriglyceridemia: a useful biochemical marker of fructose-1,6-biphosphatase deficiency. European Journal of Pediatric 172(9): 1249-1253


Chai Teng Chear, Harvindar Kaur Gill, Nazatul Haslina Ramly, Jasbir Singh Dhaliwal, Noraini Bujang, Adiratna Mat Ripen and Saharuddin Bin Mohamad (2013). A novel Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Gene (BTK) invariant splice site mutation in a Malaysian Family with X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia. Asian Pacific Journal Allergy and Immunology 31(4): 320-324


Chen CD, Low VL, Lau KW, Lee HL, Nazni WA, Heo CC, Azidah AA and Sofian-Azirun M (2013). First report on adulticide susceptibility status of Aedes albopictus, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Culex vishnui from a pig farm in Tanjung Sepat, Selangor, Malaysia. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 29(3):243-50


Chen CD, Nazni WA, Lee HL, Norma-Rashid Y, Lardizabal ML and Sofian-Azirun M (2013). Temephos resistance in field Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse) from Selangor, Malaysia. Tropical Biomedicine 30(2): 220-230


Cheol In Kang, Jae-Hoon Song, So Hyun Kim, Doo Ryeon Chung, Kyong Ran Peck, Visanu Thamlikitkul, Hui Wang, Thomas Man-Kit So, Po-Ren Hsueh, Rohani Md Yasin, Celia C Carlos, Pham Hung Van and Jennifer Perera (2013). Risk factors and pathogenic significance of bacteremic pneumonia in adult patients with community-acquired pneumococcal pneumonia. Journal of Infection 66(1): 34-40


Chin Yuet Meng, Puteri J Noor, Azli Ismail, Mohd Fadly Md Ahid and Zubaidah Zakaria (2013). Cytogenetic Profile of de novo Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients in Malaysia. International Journal of Biomedical Science 9(1): 26-32


Chuan Min Tao, Yunjung Cho, Kee Peng Ng, Xiaoxu Han, Eun Jee Of, Saat Zainah, Mohd Zain Rozainanee and Lan Lan Wang (2013). Validation of the Elecsys® HIV combi PT assay for screening and reliable early detection of HIV-1 infection in Asia. Journal of Clinical Virology 58(1): 221-226


CI Kang, JH Song, SH Kim, DR Chung, KR Peck, V Thamlikitkul, H Wang, TM So, PR Hsueh, RM Yasin, CC Carlos, PH Van, J Perera and The Asian Network for Surveillance of Resistant Pathogens (ANSORP) Study Group (2013). Association of levofloxacin resistance with mortality in adult patients with intensive pneumococcal diseases: a post hoc analysis of a prospective cohort. Infection 44(1): 151-157


Dae Hun Kim, Ji-Young Choi, Hae Won Kim, So Hyun Kim, Doo Ryeon Chung, Kyong Ran Peck, Visanu Thamlikitkul, Thomas Man-Kit So, Rohani Md Yasin, Po-Ren Hsueh, Celia C Carlos, Li Yang Hsu, Latre Buntaran, MK Lalitha, Jae Hoon Song and Kawan Soo Ko (2013). Spread of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii global clone 2 in Asia and AbaR-type resistance islands. Antimirobial Agents and Chemotheraphy 57(11): 5239-5246


DF Basri, N Jaffar, NM Zin and L Santhana Raj (2013). Electron microscope study of gall extract from Quercus infectoria in combination with vancomycin against MRSA using post antibiotic effect determination. International Journal of Pharmacology 9(2): 150-156


Douadi Benacer, Pei Yee Who, Siti Nursheena Mohd Zain, Fairuz Amran and Kwai Lin Thong (2013). Pathogenic and saprophytic Leptospira species in water and soils from selected urban sites in Peninsular Malaysia. Microbes and Environment 28(1): 135-140


Ernie Zuraida Ali, Zabedah Mohd Yunus, Norsiah Desa and Ngu Lock Hock (2013). Identification of novel homozygous mutation (S1441) in a malay patients with maple syrup urine disease. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 26(9-10): 975-980


Ernieenor Faraliana Che Lah, Aye Thida Win, Mariana Ahamad and Ho Tze Ming (2013). PCR amplification of mitochondrial cytochrome B gene of animals in Malaysia. The Experiment 15(2): 1064-1071


Ernieenor Faraliana Che Lah, Mariana Ahamad, Mohd Subail Haron and Ho Tze Ming (2013). Blood meal identification of field collected on-host ticks surrounding two human settlements in Malaysia. The Experiment 17(2): 1177-1183


Faradiana E Lokman, Harvest F Gu, Wan Nazaimoon Wan Mohamud, Mashitah M Yusoff, Keh Leong Chia and Claes-Goran Ostenson (2013). Antidiabetic Effect of Oral Borapetol B Compound, Isolated from the Plant Tinospora crispa by Stimulating Insulin Release. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013, 7 pages, Articles 727602


Fazliana Mansor, Harvest F. Gu, Claes-Göran Östenson, Louise Mannerås-Holm, Elisabet Stener-Victorin, and Wan Nazaimoon Wan Mohamud (2013). Labisia pumila upregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma expression in rat adipose tissues and 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Advances in Pharmacological Sciences Vol 2013: 7 pages




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