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Publication List


Paramasvaran S, Sani RA, Krishnasamy, Amal NM, Hassan L, Mohd Zain SN, Latifah I, Rahmat MS, John Jeffery, Santhana RL and Selvanesan S (2013). Distribution and morphological measurements of wild and urban rodents from four habitats in the States of Selangor and Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Veterinary Research 4(2): 1-12


Rahimah Ahmad, Mohamed Saleem, Nisha Sabrina Aloysious, Punithawathy Yelumalai, Nurul Mohamed and Syahzuwan Hassan (2013). Distribution of Alpha Thalassaemia Gene Variants in Diverse Ethnic Populations in Malaysia: Data from the Institute for Medical Research. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14(9): 18599-18614


Rajagopal Kavitha, Wasi Ahmad Nazni, Tian Chye Tan, Han Lim Lee and Mohd Sofian Azirun (2013). Review of forensically important entomological specimens collected from human cadavers in Malaysia (2005-2010). Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 20(5): 480-482


Rohana Abdul Ghani, Ismail Bin Yaakob, Norasyikin Abdul Wahab, Suehazlyn Zainudin, Norlaila Mustafa, Norlela Sukor, Wan Nazaimoon Wan Mohamud, Khalid Abdul Kadir and Nor Azmi Kamaruddin (2013). The influence of fenofibrate on lipid profile, endothelial dysfunction, and inflammatory markers in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with typical and mixed dyslipidemia. Journal of Clinical Lipidology 7(5): 446-453


Ruziana Mona Wan Mohd Zin, Zatil Iwani Ahmad Kamil, Tuan Rosidah Tuan Soh, Mustaffa Embong and Wan Nazaimoon Wan Mohamud (2013). Haemaglobin A1c: comparing performance of two point of care devices with laboratory analyser. BMC Research Notes 6: 540


S Thayaparan, ID Robertson, A Fairuz, L Suut and MT Abdullah (2013). Leptospirosis, an emerging zoonotic disease in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Pathology 35(2): 123-132


Sangeetha Arullappan, Shamsul Muhamad  and Zubaidah Zakaria (2013). Cytotoxic Activity of the Leaf and Stem Extracts of Hibiscus rosa sinensis (Malvaceae) against Leukaemic Cell Line (K-562) .  Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 12 (5): 743-746


Sharifah Nurain Syed Zanaruddin, Amyza Saleh, Yi-Hsin Yang, Sharifah Hamid, Wan Mahadzir Wan Mustafa, AAN Khairul Bariah, Rosnah binti Zain, Shin Hin Lau and Sok Ching Cheong (2012). Four-protein signature accurately predicts lymph node metastasis and survival in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Human Pathology 44(3): 417-426


Sharmini Selvarajah, Jamaiyah Haniff, Gurpreet Kaur, Tee Guat Hiong, Adam Bujang, Kee Chee Cheong and Michiel L Bots (2013). Identification of effective screening strategies for cardiovascular disease preventation in a developing country: using cardiovascular risk-estimation and risk-reduction tools for policy recommendations. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 13: 10


Sima Ataollahi Eshkoor, Patimah Ismail, Sabariah Abd. Rahman, Mohd Yusoff Adon and R. Vasu Devan (2013). Contribution of CYP2E1 polymorphism to aging in the mechanical workshop workers. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 23(4): 217-222


Siti Farizwana Mohd Ridzwan, Zurahanim Fasha Annual, Mazrura Sahani and Ahmad Rohi Ghazali (2013). Neurobehavioral performance of estate residents with privately-treated water supply. Iranian Journal of Public Health 42(12): 1374-1386


Siti Roszilawati Ramli, Alex Lourdes Francis, Yushaniza Yusof and Tzar Mohd Nizam Khaithir (2013). A Severe Case of Arthrographis kalrae Keratomycosis. Case Reports in Infectious Diseases Vol 2013, 3 pages


Soobitha Subenthiran, Noor Rain Abdullah, Joyce Pauline Joseph, Prem Kumar Muniandy, Boon Teck Mok, Chee Cheong Kee, Zakiah Ismail and Zahurin Mohamed (2013). Linkage Disequilibrium between Polymorphisms of ABCB1 and ABCC2 to Predict the Treatment Outcome of Malaysians with Complex Partial Seizures on Treatment with Carbamazepine Mono-Therapy at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital. PLoS ONE 8(5):e64827


Soobitha Subenthiran, Noor Rain Abdullah, Prem Kumar Muniandy, Joyce Pauline Joseph, Kee Chee Cheong, Zakiah Ismail and Zahurin Mohamed (2013). G2677T polymorphism can predict treatment outcome of Malaysians with complex partial seizures being treated with carbamazepine. Genetic and Molecular Research 12(4): 5937-5944


Soobitha Subenthiran, Tan Chwee Choon, Kee Chee Cheong, Ravindran Thayan, Mok Boon Teck, Prem Kumar Muniandy, Adlin Afzan, Noor Rain Abdullah and Zakiah Ismail (2013). Carica papaya leaves juice significantly accelerates the rate of increase in platelet count among patients with dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever. Evidance-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2013: 7 pages


Sook KL, Yi MD, Robert S, Natalie C, Pina I, Naomi K, Philippe B, Malinee C, Dominic ED, Peter F, Ann-Claire G, Frances H, Paul FH, Huang QS, Peng KI, Lance J, Alison K, Tuckweng K, Jacob LK, Avram L, Cui L, Katie L, Osmali O, Gina P, Fahimeh R, William R, Craig R, Jennifer R, I Ching S, Suzanne S, Amado T, Geethani W, Jan W, Noelene W, Mohd Apandi Yusof, Anne Kelso, Ian GB and Aeron CH (2013). Influenza antiviral resistance in the Asia-Pacific region during 2011. Antiviral Research 97(1): 206-210


Sudha Balasubramaniam, Charan Thej, Parvathy Venugopal, Nancy Priya, Zubaidah Zakaria, Swathi Sundarraj and Anish Sen Majumdar (2013). Higher propensity of Wharton's jelly derived mesenchymal stromal cells towards neuronal lineage in comparison to those derived from adipose and bone marrow. Cell Biology International 37(5): 507-515


Sumarni Mohd Ghazali, Zabedah Othman, Kee Chee Cheong, Lim Kuang Hock, Wan Rozita Wan Mahiyuddin, Muhammad Amir Kamaluddin, Ahmad Faudzi Yusoff and Amal Nasir Mustafa (2013). Non-practice of breast self examination and marital status are associated with delayed presentation with breast cancer. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 14(2): 1141-1145


Suraiami Mustar and Mohd Fairulnizal Md Noh (2013). Efficacy of commercial sanitizers on the native microflora of mung bean sprouts (Vigna radiata) and its microbiological analysis. Journal of Food Technology 11(4-6): 75-81


Suzaily Wahab, Susan Mooi Koon Tan, Sheila Marimuthu, Rosdinom Razali and Nor Asiah Muhamad (2013). Young female survivors of sexual abuse in Malaysia and depression: What factors are associated with better outcome. Asia Pacific Psychiatry 5(S1): 95-102


Syahzuwan Hassan, Rahimah Ahmad and Zubaidah Zakaria (2013).  Detection of β-globin gene mutations among β-thalassaemia carriers and patients in Malaysia: application of Multiplex Amplification Refractory Mutation System-Polymerase Chain Reaction.  Malaysian Journal of Medical Science 20(1): 13-20


Teh CH, Nazni WA, Lee HL, Fairuz A, Tan SB and Sofian-Azirun M (2013). In vitro antibacterial activity and physicochemical properties of a crude methanol extract of the larvae of Lucilia cuprina. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 27(4): 414-420


Thary Gazi Goh, Chee Dhang Chen, John Jeffery, Amri Azizan Izzul, Koon Weng Lau, Han Lim Lee, Rosli Ramli, Wasi Ahmad Nazni and Mohd Sofian-Azirun (2013). Evaluation of bait attractiveness for forensically important flies in lowland and montane forest in Peninsular Malaysia. Asian Biomedicine 7(4): 523-528


TS Saraswathy, MZ Rozainanee, R Nurul Asshikin and S Zainah (2013). Congenital rubella syndrome: a review of laboratory data from 2002 to 2011. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 44(3): 429-435


Van Lum Low, Chee Dhang Chen, Phaik Eem Lim, Han Lim Lee, Yvonne Ai Lian Lim, Tiong Kai Tan and Mohd Sofian-Azirun (2013). First molecular genotyping of insentive acetylcholinesterase associated with malathion resistance in Culex quinquefasciatus Say populations in Malaysia. Pest Management Science 69(12): 1362-1368




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