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Publication List


Jeyanthi Suppiah, Rozainanee Mohd Zain, Salbiah Haji Nawi, Norazlah Bahari and Zainah Saat (2014). Drug-resistance associated mutations in polymerase (P) gene of hepatitis B virus isolated from Malaysian HBV carriers. Hepatitis Monthly 14(1): e13173


Jin Yang Baek, In Ho Park, Thomas Man-kit So, MK Lalitha, Nobuyuki Shimono, Rohani Md. Yasin, Celia C. Carlos, Jennifer Perera, Visanu Thamlikitkul, Po-Ren Hsueh, Pham Hung Van, Atef M. Shibl, Jae-Hoon Song and Kwan Soo Ko (2014). Prevalence and characteristics of Streptococcus pneumonia “putative serotype 6E” isolates from Asian countries. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 80: 334–337


June Lee Chelyn, Maizatul Hasyima Omar, Nor Syaidatul Akmal Mohd Yousof, Ramesh Ranggasamy, Mohd Isa Wasiman and Zakiah Ismail (2014). Analysis of Flavone C-Glycosides in the Leaves of Clinacanthus nutans (Burm. f.) Lindau by HPTLC and HPLC-UV/DAD. The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 724267, 6 pages


K Wooi Seong, M Nor Asiah, M Normi, MY Aliza, A Norhanim, A Yasmin, AT Nur Syimah, K Roslaili and MY Narazah (2014). Seroprevalence of Human Herpes Virus 8 among Blood Donors in National Blood Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. International Blood Research and Reviews 2(4): 149-159


Kamal Shaik Fakiruddin, Puteri Baharuddin, Moon Nian Lim, Noor Atiqah Fakharuzi, Nurul Ain Nasim and Zubaidah Zakaria (2014). Efficient TRAIL gene delivery using nucleofection based method in human adiposed derived mesenchymak stromal cells. Cell Biology 2(1): 28-33


Kamal Shaik Fakiruddin, Puteri Baharuddin, Moon Nian Lim, Noor Atiqah Fakharuzi, Nurul Ain Nasim and Zubaidah Zakaria (2014). The anti-tumourigenice effects of TRAIL-expressing human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in vitro. Regenerative Research 3(2): 144-145


Kamal Shaik Fakiruddin, Puteri Baharuddin, Moon Nian Lim, Noor Atiqah Fakharuzi, Nurul Ain Nasim M Yusof and Zubaidah Zakaria (2014). Nucleofection optimization and in vitro antitumourigenic effect of TRAIL-expressing human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells. Cancer Cell International 14(1):122


Ke-Xin Yu, Ibrahim Jantan, Rohani Ahmad and Ching-Lee Wong (2014). The major bioactive components of seaweeds and their mosquitocidal potential. Parasitology Research 113(9): 3121-3141


Kee C Cheong, Sumarni M Ghazali, Lim K Hock, Ahmad F Yusoff, Sharmini Selvarajah, Jamaiyah Haniff, Ahmad Ali Zainuddin, Chan Y Ying, Khor G Lin, Jamaluddin A Rahman, Suzana Shahar and Amal N Mustafa (2014). Optimal waist circumference cut-off values for predicting cardiovascular risk factors in a multi-ethnic Malaysian population. Obesity Research and Clinical Practice 8(2): e154-e162


Kueh Bing Ling, Rahimah Ahmad, Ezalia Esa, Hishamshah Mohd-Ibrahim, Mustaffa Harun, Norli Ismail, Kee Chee Cheong and Zubaidah Zakaria (2014). Comparison of quantitative real-time PCR and short tandem repeat PCR for monitoring chimerism after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in paediatric patients. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 4(8): 78-86


Lam Kah Yuen, Zubaidah Zakaria, Ivyna Bong Pau Ni, Megat Baharuddin Puteri Jamilatul Noor, Esa Ezalia, Chin Yuet Meng, Ong Tee Chua, Vegappan Subramaniam and Chang Kiang Meng (2014). High-resolution analysis of chromosomal alterations in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Journal of Haematology 3(3): 65-71


Lee Fah Yap, Munirah Ahmad, Muhammad Mamduh Ahmad Zabidi, Tai Lin Chu, San Jiun Chai, Hui Min Lee, Paul Vey Hong Lim, Wenbin Wei, Christopher Dawson, Soo-Hwang Teo dan Alan Soo Beng Khoo (2014). Oncogenic effects of WNT5A in Epstein-Barr virus associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma. International Journal of Oncology 44(5): 1774-1780


Lim Kuang Hock, Sumarni Mohd Ghazali, Kee Chee Cheong, Lim Kuang Kuay, Lim Hui Li, Teh Chien Huey, Chan Ying Ying, Yeo Lay Yen, Fiona Goh Swee Ching, Khoo Yi Yi, Chong Zhou Lin, Normala Ibrahim and Amal Nasir Mustafa (2014). Prevalence and factors associated with smoking intentions among non-smoking and smoking adolescents in Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15(10): 4359-4366


Lim Kuang Kuay, Chan Ying Ying, Ahmad Ali Zainuddin, Teh Chien Huey, Hasimah Ismail, Lim Kuang Hock and Kee Chee Cheong (2014). Iodine Deficiency Disorder and Goitre Among School Children in Sarawak - A Nationwide Study. International Journal of Public Health Research 4(1): 419-424


Low VL, Lim PE, Chen CD, Lim YA, Tan TK, Norma-Rashid Y, Lee HL, Sofian-Azirun M (2014). Mitochondrial DNA analyses reveal low genetic diversity in Culex quinquefasciatus from residential areas in Malaysia. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 28(2): 157-168


M Nor Asiah, M Yusoff Adon, M Normi, K Muhammad Amir, A Tahir, M Siti Haniza, M Amal Nasir, B Faizal, MY Aliza and M Shahnaz (2014). Cyanide level in the environment and occupational settings: a systematic review. British Journal of Applied Science and Technology 4(20): 2851-2863


Madinah Adrus, Mariana Ahamad and Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah (2014). Detection of rickettsiae in engorged ticks from small mammals in Malaysia. Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology 4(1): 34-41


Marc Stegger, Thierry Wirth, Paal S. Andersen, Robert L. Skov, Anna De Grassi, Patricia Martins Simões and Anne Tristan, Andreas Petersen,  Maliha Aziz, Kristoffer Kiil, Ivana Cirkovic, Edet E. Udo, Rosa del Campo, Jaana Vuopio-Varkila, Norazah Ahmad, Sima Tokajian, Georg Peters, Frieder Schaumburg, Barbro Olsson-Liljequist, Michael Givskov, Elizabeth E. Driebe, Henrik E. Vigh, Adebayo Shittu, Nadjia Ramdani-Bougessa, Jean-Philippe Rasigade, Lance B. Price, Francois Vandenesch,  Anders R. Larsen and Frederic Laurent (2014). Origin and Evolution of European Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. MBio 5(5): e01044-14


Mazrura Sahani, Nurul Ashikin Zainon, Wan Rozita Wan Mahiyuddin, Mohd Talib Latif, Rozita Hod, Md Firoz Khan, Norhayati Mohd Tahir and Chang-Chuan Chan (2014). A case-crossover analysis of forest fire haze events and mortality in Malaysia. Atmospheric Environment 96:257-265


Mohd Apandi Yusof, Hariyati Md Ali, Hamadah Mohammad Shariff, Noor Khairunnisa Ramli, Zarina Mohd Zawawi, Syarifah Nur Aisyatun, Jasinta Anak Dennis and Zainah Saat (2014). Subgenogroup B5 maintains its supremacy over other human Entovirus71 strains that circulated in Malaysia from 2010 to 2012. Journal of General and Molecular Virology 6(1): 1-5


Mohd Ridzuan Mohd Abd Razak, Noor Rain Abdullah, Rohaya Chomel, Rosilawati Muhammad and Zakiah Ismail (2014). Effect of choline kinase inhibitor hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide on Plasmodium falciparum gene expression. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 45(2): 259-266


Muawia Alqasaimeh, Lee Yook Heng, Musa Ahmad, AS Santhana Raj and Tan Ling Ling (2014). A large response range reflectometric urea biosensor made from silica-gel nanoparticles. Sensor 14(7): 13186-13209


Muhamad Fahrin Maskam, Jamaludin Mohamad, Mahmood Ameen Abdulla, Adlin Afzan and Isa Wasiman (2014). Antioxidant activity of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (kemunting) fruits and its effect on lipid profile in induced-cholesterol New Zealand white rabbits. Sains Malaysiana 43(11): 1673-1684


Nadia Qureshi, Swati Chawla, Supaporn Likitvivatanavong, Han Lim Lee and Sarjeet S. Gill (2014). The cry toxin operon of Clostridium bifermentanssubsp.  malaysia is highly toxic to Aedes larval mosquitoes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80(18): 5689-5697


Nazilah Abdul Satar, Kamal Shaik Fakiruddin, Puteri JN . Baharuddin, Moon Nian Lim, Zubaidah Zakaria and Badrul Hisham Yahaya (2014). Inhibition of non-small cell Lung cancer-derived putative cancer stem cell through combination of curcumin and cisplatin. Regenerative Research  3(2): 54-55




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