[ English | Bahasa Malaysia ] Today is 30th Mar 2025, 03:53 AM (Last updated: 25th Mar 2025)
Determination of Biomarkers and Development of Test Kit for Laboratory Diagnosis of Japanese Encephalitis and others Arboviruses
Development of DNA Biosensor for the Detection of Tuberculosis
Development of Immunodiagnostic Technique for Leptodspirosis
Enviromental Risk Factors of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Malaysia: A Case-Control Study
Genetic Analysis and Antiviral Resistance Study of Influenza Virus circulating in Malaysia
Human Exposure to Leptospirosis in Selected Rural, Urban and Recreational Eco-system
Identification of Major Allergens of Charybdis japonica (Red Crab) and Portunus pelagicus (swimming/ blue crab) by a Proteomics Approach
Indenfication and Genetics of Neutrophil Functional Disorders in Malaysia Patients with Primary Immunodeficiency
Isolation, Expansion and Characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cell from various for Therapeutic Application
Molecular Characterization of Macrolide Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolates
Non- Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Candidate Genes Associations with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Malaysian Population
Risk of Tuberculosis Infecton Among Government Hospital Workers in the Klang Valley
The Prevalence of Allergy to Five Species of Commonly Available Edible Mushrooms in Atopic Individuals
In vitro susceptibility testing of medically inportant filamentous Fungi from Malaysian Clinical Specimen Using E-test method
Analysis of polysaccharide component and in vitro studies of Lignosus (polyporaceae)
Analysis of type of future readmission of patients with schizophrenia based on National Mental Health Registry (NMHR)
Clostridium perfringens in Selangor Rivers
Congenital Anomalies and its Linkage to Environment
Cultivation of limbal stem cells for clinical application in severe ocular surface disorders
Detection of permethrin resistance in Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Malaysia
Determination of Zoonotic viral infection in non human primates with special reference to arboviruses
Development of orthosiphon stamineus leaves extract for in vivo herbal breast cancer remedy
Diagnosis Chip for Tubercolosis infection
Dunnifilaria infection among rodent in Sabah, Malaysia
Enviromental Risks Factors of Aplastic Anemia in Sabah
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