[ English | Bahasa Malaysia ] Today is 30th Mar 2025, 03:53 AM (Last updated: 25th Mar 2025)
Experimental arthritis in rats: Immunomodulation and immunoassay for anti-inflammatory properties of a topical formulation containing ostrich oil.
Exposure assessment for selected contaminants from consumption of seafood in Peninsular Malaysia
Flavonoids and invitro antioxidant activities of ethanol extract of Ficus deltoidea
Frequency and nature of the variant syndromes of autoimmnune hepatitis
Health effect of haze on pregnancy outcomes
High Resolution genome-wide array analysis in unexplained syndromic patients with normal karyotype
Impact of air pollution on mortality using remote sensing in Klang Valley
Invitro Cytotoxicity and Interaction of Ketum Extract with Cytochrome 450
Kisspeptins and GnRH as potential theraphy for cancer
Leishmaniasis studies and its vector in Malaysia
Male reproductive toxicity & teratogenecity study of standardised Orthosiphon stamineus extract in rats
Molecular Classification, Relapse Prediction and Causes of Drug Resistance in Childhood ALL
Molecular epidemiology of community-acquired MRSA in Malaysia
Mutational analysis of gene encoding P protein, T protein and H protein in suspected non ketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH) patients in Malaysia
Pathogens, allergens, chemicals and physicosocial factors associated with building related illness
Production of antimicrobials by actinobacteria and fungi isolated from medicinal plant products
Production, Characterisation and cross reactivity of local prawns
Propagation and expansion of human embryonic stem cell lines
Psychosocial factors, stages of smoking acquisition and susceptibility to smoking initiation and their relationship to adolescent smoking - longitudinal study
Statistical Modelling for Rheumatoid Arthritis Independent Risk factors
Studies on chikungunya virus in mosquito
To study in vitro sensitivity patterns of P.falciparum isolates to antimalaria infection in Sabah
Toxicology evaluation of standardised Ketom extract and mitragynine
Traditional Medicine Product in Malaysia
Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) microsatellite polymorphisms association with rheumatoid arthritis in Malaysia
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