[ English | Bahasa Malaysia ] Today is 30th Mar 2025, 03:53 AM (Last updated: 25th Mar 2025)
Identification of Metabolites of Orthosiphon stamineus in Rat Plasma and Urine by LC-MS-QTOF
In Vitro Tracking, Bio-Distribution Pattern and Fate of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) in Normal Versus Liver Cirrhosis Animal Model
In Vivo Antihypertensive Activity of MKP100 for Product Development
Mapping of Knowlesii Malaria Vectors in Peninsular Malaysia
Mass Application of Aedes Autocidal Trap in Dengue Outbreak Areas
Microarray of Allergenic Component-Based Diagnosis in Multi-Sensitized Allergic Rhinitis Patients
Molecular Characterisation of Leptospira spp Strain from Environmental Sources
Mutational Profiling in Lung Adenocarcinoma
Population Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics (PKPD) of Colistin in Critically Ill Patients with Multi Drug Resistant Gram-Negative Bacterial Infection: A Malaysian Scenario
Profiling of MicroRNAs in Latent and Active Tuberculosis Infection
Stevia for Hypertension: A Systematic Review
Study on the Evaluation of Compounds/ Standardized Extracts for Potential Anti Filarial Agents and The Mode of Action of the Selective Agents Using Biochemical and Molecular Targets
The Effect of Haze and Air Pollution on Hospital Admissions in Klang Valley, Malaysia
The Identification of Diagnostic Biomarkers to Improve Early Risk Assessment in Malaysian Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis
The Role of Cytokines Genes in the Development of Severe Dengue
Wall Residual Spray for Dengue Vector Control in a High Rise Residential Area in Selangor
A Study of X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia Patients and Their Family Members in Malaysia
Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Extraction (ADME) Study of Eurycoma longifolia Standardised Water Extracts
Acute Oral Toxicity Study of Selected Malaysian Medicinal Herbs on Sprague Dawley Rats
Application of High Resolution Melting Analysis for Detection of drug resistance genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Clinical Samples
Assesment of Risk of Acquiring Iatrogenic Malaria Infection in National Blood Transfusion Service
Development and Optimization of Aedes mosquitoes Monitoring and Surveillance Tools in Malaysia
Development of In Vitro Model System and Migration Pathways on Chemo-Resistant Cancer Stem Cell-Induced Lung Cancer
Entomology and Parasitology Study on Diseases of Public Health
Evaluation of Mass-Rearing and Sex-Sorting Techniques for Transgenic Aedes aegypti
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