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Commercial production of Bacillus sphaericus- MOSPHERIX

. Terakhir dikemaskini: 15 Disember 2011Jumlah paparan: 19622

Product Name : Commercial production of Bacillus sphaericus- MOSPHERIX

Centre : Infectious Disease Research Centre

Unit : Entomology Unit

Awards :


Bacillus sphaericus is another potent microbial control agent of mosquito larvae especially effective against Culex and Anopheles. Several promising isolates were successfully obtained from soil samples collected in P. Malaysia. Like B. thuringiensis, this agent is completely innocuous to all non-target organisms. However, unlike B thuringiensis, it is difficult to grow in large scale fermentation due to its specific requirements. The successful development of a bioprocess for the large scale production of Bs has enabled its commercial production as a biolarvicide especially tailored for the control of Culex and Anopheles vectors. The product known as MOSPHERIX is now ready for commercialisation.

Competitiveness of Bs product compared with other similar larvicides:



Bs Product




Bacterial toxin

Bacterial toxin

Organic phosphate






- Effectiveness against mosquitoes




- Residual activity




-Environmental impact




-Formulation suitability




-Application efficacy




-Shelf life




-Resistance development













2 Liter/ha

1 Liter/ha

0.2 Liter/ha


RM 20.00@

RM 50.00

RM 200.00


RM 40.00

RM 50.00

RM 40.00


NOTE: ++++= greatest; ---- = least

@ estimated

VECTOLEX is a Bs product of Abbott Laboratory, U.S.A..

As can be seen from the comparison above, the local Bs product possesses all the advantages of imported Bs product and the chemical larvicide, which is also imported from Cynamide, U.S.A. However, the cost of local Bs product in terms of per unit price (liter) and application rate (L/ha) is much lower that VECTOLEX and comparable to ABATE. Thus, local Bs product may possess an competitive edge over imported biolarvicide or chemical larvicide.


  • Control of vector-borne diseases, especially those transmitted by the Culex mosquitoes such as Japanese Encephalitis, and malaria mosquitoes (Anopheles) as both are most susceptible to Bs
  • Image boosting of the nation- few nations in the world able to produce Bs due to technical difficulties especially in the fermentation process
  • Center of Excellence in biolarvicides which are now preferable due to their low impact on non-target organisms
  • Demonstrate successful establishment of indigenous biotechnology
  • Conservation of the delicate tropical environment
  • As a model of successful commercialisation of biotechnology research in Malaysia
  • Successful technology transfer (Government Research Institute <>Corporate)

Impact on Economics

  • Provide career development in high tech environment
  • Reduce imports and save foreign exchange
  • Increase exports and increase earning in foreign exchange
  • Reduction in mortality and morbidity which leads to increase productivity
  • Help to jump-start the biotechnology industries in Malaysia
  • Provide business opportunities to this industry




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