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Introduction to Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Section

. Last Updated: 08 November 2024Hits: 4485

GLP Section was established under the Herbal Medicine Research Centre in 2018. Its primary purpose is to facilitate and support the conduct of GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) studies at the Non-Clinical Research Facility (NCRF), IMR. Located in Jalan Pahang, Kuala Lumpur, the NCRF IMR is an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)-GLP compliant facility since its accreditation in 2014. GLP Section plays key roles in ensuring compliance with OECD-GLP 10 principles, including Test Facility Management, Study Director, Study Personnel and Archivists. 


The GLP Section and NCRF, IMR specialize in conducting in vivo toxicology studies on rodents to assess the safety of products intended for registration with regulatory authorities worldwide. Our team of GLP-trained personnel conducts general toxicity studies in compliance with GLP principles and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Test Guidelines (TG) 420, 407, and 408 as following:


  • TG 420: Single-dose (acute) oral toxicity study

  • TG 407: Repeated-dose 28-day (sub-acute) oral toxicity study

  • TG 408: Repeated-dose 90-day (sub-chronic) oral toxicity study


These studies are essential for evaluating the safety of new products before they are registered and marketed globally.


OECD-GLP compliance represents the highest standard of laboratory practice, and we are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and a skilled workforce to conduct toxicology animal studies. Our commitment is to provide GLP-compliant services, which include:


- General and detailed clinical observation

- Monitoring of food and water intake

- Body weight measurement

- Ophthalmological examination

- Clinical biochemistry and haematological analysis

- Functional observations

- Necropsy and gross pathology

- Organ weighing

- Histopathology slide preparation


To maintain these standards, we continuously implement training programs aimed at further developing our expertise in animal research. Additionally, we engage in regular discussions with our compliance monitoring authority, as well as with other local and international OECD-GLP compliant facilities, to stay updated on the latest OECD-GLP guidelines and principles.




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Located at Setia Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. Click on the map image to launch Google Maps service.

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