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Activities of GLP Section

. Last Updated: 08 November 2024Hits: 2782

  1. Single dose (acute) oral toxicity studies on rodents according to OECD TG 420.

  2. Repeated dose 28-day (sub-acute) oral toxicity studies on rodents according to OECD TG 407.


  1. Repeated dose 90-day (sub-chronic) oral toxicity studies on rodents according to OECD TG 408.


  1. Animal toxicology studies according to international guidelines -ICH, FDA, and EMA.


  1. Single dose (acute) oral toxicity studies on rats according to OECD TG 420 and 10 OECD-GLP Principles for Malaysian Herbal Monograph.


  1. Provide consultation and organise meetings with potential sponsors such as ministries, universities, pharmaceutical companies, and industries to conduct animal toxicology studies.


  1. Organise GLP Refresher Course yearly for NCRF Personnel and other general GLP courses for newly appointed and current NCRF personnel.


  1. Organise specialised animal training and competency evaluations -blood sampling, necropsy, histopathology, ophthalmological and more. 


  1. Organise specialised GLP personnel role training and competency evaluations -Study Director, Quality Assurance, Study Personnel and more.


  1. Coordinate and facilitate surveillance inspections by CMA for the renewal of OECD-GLP certification of NCRF, IMR every 2 years.


  1. Coordinate and facilitate visits from local and international GLP facilities. 

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Figure 1: Rat cage changing activity
during GLP study


Figure 2: Rat feed and bedding storage

glp fig3   glp fig4

Figure 3: Process of weighing test items


Figure 4: Process of diluting test item using diluent vehicles prior to animal dosing   

glp f5   glp f6

Figure 5: Cage cleaning process in dirty washing area


Figure 6: Biochemistry machine in analytical laboratory  

glp f7   glp f8

Figure 7: Haematology machine in analytical laboratory 


Figure 8: Sectioning process using microtome  

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Figure 9: Pathologist reading histopathology slides using microscope 


Figure 10: Archivist performing archiving  



Figure 11:  GLP Refresher course conducted every year for NCRF Personnel 





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