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Activities of Bioassay Unit

. Last Updated: 08 November 2024Hits: 20930

Research activities conducted under the Bioassay Unit are often associated with determining the efficacy and mechanisms of action of extracts, compounds, and formulations of herbal plant products, through in vitro and/or in vivo procedure.

1. Anti-infective studies

  • Anti-viral activity screening against dengue and SAR-CoV-2 viruses using cytopathic based effect assay and/or plaque reduction assay.
  • Efficacy evaluation of medicinal plant for anti-dengue activities using dengue mice model AG129.
  • Anti-bacterial susceptibility screening of medicinal plants using microdilution assay (gram negative and positive).
Hana Plague Assay    PicBioassay

Figure 1: Left: Anti-dengue validation by Plague Assay in vitro
Right: Bioassay Unit’s officer performing in vitro anti-SARS-CoV-2 testing in BSL-3 facility



AG129 mice    MIC AssayEdit

Figure 2: AG129 mouse - deficient in interferon alpha/beta and gamma receptor
signaling were utilised for in vivo anti-dengue efficacy study.


Figure 3: Bioassay Unit’s officer performing quantitative antibacterial activity assay




2. Immunomodulatory activity

  • Identifying immunomodulatory modulating agents for anti-inflammatory activities through cell-based assay such as Nitrite oxide assay, cytokine screening, gene and protein expression; and toll-like receptor (TLR) inhibition assay.
  • In vivo evaluation on the immunomodulatory properties of medicinal plants in inflammatory-related diseases such as Alzheimer disease, dengue fever, and wound healing through appropriate animal models.

3. Aging studies

  • Undertake anti-aging related research encompassing antiproliferative, antisenescence activity and synolytic activities.
  • Screening of medicinal plants for anti-proliferative properties in vitro using the appropriate cell lines and investigating the efficacy evaluation of in cancer-induced animal model.

4. Bioavailability studies

  • In vitro and in vivo establishment of pharmacokinetic parameters including rate of absorption, extend of distribution, metabolism and elimination (ADME) of the herbal plant product.






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